Hi everybody! I go to school in PSKD Mandiri. This might be my last year in this school. I just moved in my new class 16 July 2008. There is lots of difference with my grade 6 class and my garde 5 class. Now my class is upstairs while my old one is down stairs. My grade 5 class is right in front of the entrance so i just have to walk a few steps. But know I need to walk a long way until I reach my class. In my lessons there is a huge difference. At grade 5 I learned about kingdoms at social studies but now i'm learning about Globalisation. The best thing about moving into my new class is that we are the oldest students in school. The senior students moved to the other campus and we now barely see them. And the second best thing is that we now have lots of holidays until the first semester ends.
This is my old class